People & Food
This project involves in urban research of food, marketing and city culture. Design a food pavilion according to the topic chose from research.
Based on a survey of the Boston's food market, this project was designed on the Dock NO.4 which was out of practice of Boston coast to build a large distribution center that combines food and ferry.
Boston rely on imported produce strongly. With harbours and International airport, Boston have all means of transportation to import the produce from the world. However, local produced fruits and vegetables have their advantages of shorter shipping distance and time.
Despite its somewhat remote location, the area is decently connected to a variety of transportation networks, being located between Downtown, Logan Airport across the channel, and the Mass Port Conley container port. Interstate 90, carried underneath the channel in the Ted Williams Tunnel built in 1995, provides direct access from the industrial areas to the airport. The Silver Line, a bus rapid transit network developed beginning in 2002, provides two branches that either pass through or terminate at the RLFMP and provide a direct connection to South Station and the airport.
FLOW & communication
There are three types of communication.
Inhabitants send materials out and get feedbacks back from other inhabitants; Spaces send inhabitants out and gain people back from the other spaces; Spaces deliver materials to other spaces and get materials back. These threes types of communication run the food market, and lead the transportation flows.
Three types of transportation/communication/translation.
The main concept is splitting the flow of people and food and rejoin the two through diagramatic space division. The site is divided into three major parts: industrial part, public part and ferry terminal. Three types of communication happen among these parts. The food trucks form up the function of public space which merge the industrial part and ferry terminal. This part is mainly for eating and experiencing. It combines the people from West dock and food from East dock. This is where people - food- people communication happens. Space - people - space is generated between the ferry terminal and public areas including restaurant, produce market, workshop, dining area and food exhibition. People both from urban and sea have their own ways to enter into the market and public space, experience the diversity of food and the specialty of food festival. The market connected the industrial part and public space, which allows the industrial space serves for the whole program. This is where the space - food - space communication happens.
Food trucks and food festivals.
Food trucks are carriers of most food festivals. They are flexible and live, they form events easily. They build up a fluid space or architecture for provisional aggregation of people.
The communication or the architecture only arises while food trucks are in the dry dock.
Programs are divided into five stripes according to the concept. The dock in the middle plays the most important role of combining and supporting the two sides. It arouses the whole pavilion.
Food Gallery/Restaurant/Terminal
Food Market/Food Storage/Local Shop